更多照片 | VR场景 | 交通 | 惠州德泽园假日大酒店有限公司位于滨海明珠——广东省东南部的惠州市惠东县巽寮旅游度假区。巽寮滨海旅游度假区拥有得天独厚的滨海旅游资源,是广东省滨海一颗熠熠生辉的明珠。以“水奇清、沙奇白、石奇美”而著称,被誉为“绿色翡翠”、“天赐白金堤”、“动物石景公园”、“东方迈阿密”。旅游度假区内依山傍海分布着七山八湾十八景,海岸线迂回曲折,海底平坦坚实,海水清澈蔚蓝,海沙洁白晶莹,海礁千姿百态,与岸上的山石奇景交相辉映,形成秀美宜人的亚热海滨沙滩风光,令人叹为观止、流连忘返。 惠州德泽园假日大酒店有限公司是一家集旅游度假、商务会议、娱乐休闲为一体的四星级标准的综合性酒店,本酒店坐落在依山傍海的巽寮松园湾海岸线上,拥有300多间风情浪漫,高雅舒适海景客房及功能齐全的会议室,让您的商务及度假都能留下难忘的回忆。多功能厅可同时容纳200多人。金园中餐厅的各式海鲜美食更令您赞不绝口,环境优美的中餐厅及10多间装修豪华的中餐厅包房是您团体、会议、喜宴的最佳选择。海皇歌舞厅拥有演艺大厅和10多间风情各异的KTV包房,是您娱乐的最佳去处。酒店同时并配有并配有天浴桑拿、棋牌室、垂钓、游船、飞艇、儿童乐园、潜泳、沙滩排球足球、扩展项目、沙滩摩托车等娱乐项目。 德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店恭候您的光临。
DE ze garden (guangdong) holiday hotel introduction DE ze garden (guangdong) holiday hotel is located in the southeast coastal guangdong huizhou pearl huidong county xunliao tourist resort. Xunliao coastal resort boasts abundant tourism resources, the coastal guangdong coastal is a sparkling pearl. With "water, white, ShaJi's famous" queer stones, known as the "green jade", "gift", "BaiJinDi ShiJing animal park", "the Orient Miami". Tourist resorts in the distribution of the seven, eight bay 18 mountains, sea coast twists and turns plain water, solid, clear and blue, white crystal sand, and the sea shore reefs of rocks in photograph reflect, beautiful landscapes forming of the beach is hot, breathtaking scenery, linger over. DE ze garden (guangdong) holiday hotel is a holiday, business meetings, recreation for a four-star hotel, the comprehensive hotel is located in the xunliao bay of the coastline, with more than 300 rooms, elegant romance amorous feelings of comfortable guest rooms and functional view of the room, make your business and holiday can leave an indelible memory. Hall can accommodate more than 200 people. JinYuan various seafood restaurant makes you more beautiful environment, the Chinese restaurant and more than 10 decoration luxurious restaurant group, conference room is your wedding banquet, the best choice. The sea huang performance hall hall has more than 10 different customs and KTV rooms, you are the best places of entertainment. The hotel also equipped with days and sauna bath, chess, fishing, cruise, airship, children's park, beach volleyball, football), motorcycle, beach extension project entertainment projects.DE ze garden (guangdong) holiday hotel await your presence.
自驾车线路 (Driver lineg)
广州——德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店(全程约2小时) Guangzhou-Dezeyuan(GDH)Resort Hotel(The entire journey takes about 2 hours) 广州—广惠高速—深汕高速—稔山出口—广汕公路—平海/巽寮方向—德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店 Guangzhou-Guanghui Expressway-Shenshan expressway-Renshan Exit-Guangshan Road-Pinghai/Xunliao Direction-Dezeyuan(GDH) Resort Hotel
东莞——德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店(全程约2小时) Dongguan-Dezeyuan(GDH)Resort Hotel(The entire journey takes about 2 hours) 东莞—广惠高速—深汕高速—稔山出口—广汕公路—平海/巽寮方向—德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店 Dongguan-Guanghui Expressway-Shenshan expressway-Renshan Exit-Guangshan Road-Pinghai/Xunliao Direction-Dezeyuan(GDH) Resort Hotel
深圳—德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店(全程约90分钟) Shenzhen-Dezeyuan(GDH)Resort Hotel(The entire journey takes about 90 minutes) 深圳—广惠高速—深汕高速—稔山出口—广汕公路—平海/巽寮方向—德泽园(粤海)假日大酒店 Shenzhen-Guanghui Expressway-Shenshan expressway-Renshan Exit-Guangshan Road-Pinghai/Xunliao Direction-Dezeyuan(GDH) Resort Hotel
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[详细地图指引] . 看景天下专业地图 . 酒店地图 | ■龙山观 德玄古庙 ■德泽园海滨浴场 ■巽寮湾(巽寮镇) ■平海古城墙 双月湾(西)■ ■双月湾(东) ■港口镇 G324 G324 X210 X213 ■大埔屯 ■海龟自然保护区 ■黄埠镇 大亚湾 ■东冲海岸 ■大亚湾南海旅游度假区 ■亚婆角度假区 ■碧桂园十里银滩 ■盐洲红树林保护区 | 如果你修改该酒店信息,请先 登录